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New Procedure Reduces Downtime for Voice Feminisation Patients

October 18, 2022

We are delighted to announce the introduction of a new technique for voice feminisation patients which delivers increased pitch while reducing the downtime typically associated with this type of procedure. As the name would suggest, Vocal Fold Muscle Reduction (VFMR), is aimed at reducing the volume of the vocal folds through the use of a…

Importance of gender affirming voice for trans people recognised with formation of the International Association of TransVoice Surgeons

June 24, 2022

In an unprecedented move to improve the quality of voice care for the transgender community, world renowned laryngologists and voice surgeons have come together to establish the International Association of TransVoice Surgeons.  The first of its kind, the association will focus on standards, training and research in the field for gender affirmative voice to fuel…

Founding of the International Association of TransVoice Surgeons

June 19, 2022

An unprecedented endeavour to improve the quality of voice care of the transgender community just started in Berlin, Germany, which is the birthplace of Wendler Glottoplasty, the most known voice feminization procedure. World-renowned laryngologists and voice surgeons from all around the globe joined forces to establish the International Association of TransVoice Surgeons. Prof. Markus Hess,…

Cricothyroid Approximation or Glottoplasty, which surgery is right for me?

June 7, 2022

One of the questions I am often asked during my first interaction with patients is around which surgery is the right option for them. In this post I will talk about the different procedures available and how to make an informed decision. For some gender diverse individuals, voice can be the source of considerable dysphoria.…